The Magic Finger
Watch Roald Dahl's The Magic Finger online for free
For School Years 2 - 4
The Gregg family spend every Saturday morning out in the woods searching for animals and birds to hunt. But the girl next door cannot stand hunting, and she’s so angry about it she’s going to set the magic finger on them all. One thing is for certain, very strange and spectacular things are about to begin...
Starring Corinna Brown (Tara Jones in Netflix drama Heartstopper) and Lucy Mangan (Harry Potter and the Cursed Child), Roald Dahl’s The Magic Finger is a glorious and imaginatively filmed theatrical reading, available free online to schools and families across the UK.
Presented in three 10-minute chapters/episodes, schools can access the digital storytelling via the links below.
Accompanying resources
Please click here or below to access the free teacher resource pack. Developed in collaboration with teachers, children and PSHE specialists, the pack’s curriculum linked activities focus on the PSHE unit ‘Relationships – Respecting Self and Others’ and offer teachers a creative way to link literacy activities within the delivery of the topic.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Presented by the Unicorn Theatre and The Roald Dahl Story Company.
School resources developed in consultation with Lower KS2 pupils at Hermitage Primary School, Tower Hamlets.
Unicorn Online is generously supported by Backstage Trust. With thanks to Susie Sainsbury and The Bloomberg Digital Accelerator Programme.
Performed by Corinna Brown & Lucy Mangan
Director Milli Bhatia
Designer Shankho Chaudhuri
Director of Photography and Editor Todd MacDonald
Sound Designer and Composer Elena Peña
Lighting Designer Jai Morjaria
Casting Director Jacob Sparrow
School resources developed in consultation with Lower KS2 pupils at Hermitage Primary School, Tower Hamlets.