List of Events

  1. The Tear Thief

  2. Burning Bird

  3. A Winter’s Tale

  4. Dr Korczak’s Example

  5. I, Malvolio

  6. The Elves and the Shoemakers

  7. The Mysterious Vanishment of Pobby and Dingan

  8. Shakespeare Schools Festival 2012

  9. Handa's Surprise

  10. Handa's Surprise 2012

  11. Monkey Bars

  12. The Legend of Woesterdam

  13. Playing Up: Moonfruit & Weekday Nights

  14. Before Your Very Eyes

  15. Tales from the River Thames

  16. Ring Round the World

  17. The Man With The Disturbingly Smelly Foot

  18. Mad About the Boy

  19. How To Think The Unthinkable

  20. DNA

  21. Egg & Spoon 2012

  22. Children of Killers

  23. The Legend of Captain Crow's Teeth

  24. Ruby Red Tells Tales

  25. Parade

  26. Days of Significance

  27. Scenes from an Execution

  28. A Year in the Forest

  29. Grim Grimms: Three Drops of Blood

  30. Grimms' Sheesha

  31. Scarecrow

  32. Stalin's Favourite

  33. Small Fish Big Cheese

  34. Defying Hitler 2012